Friday, November 11, 2011

Veteran's Day Post: Issues with the U.S. Military

As the title suggests, since today is Veteran's Day I thought it would be helpful to outline some of the main problems with the U.S. armed forces and the attitudes towards the military in this country.  As a disclaimer, I do think it is courageous for the men and women of the military to offer to give their lives for their country.  Therefore, there is certainly nothing wrong with honoring those men and women who have served or died in the armed forces.

However, I am sorry to say that I think the esteem and admiration of soldiers has swung too far in one direction.  It is certainly not anything like the level present in Nazi Germany, nor do I think it is a slippery slope to that hell.  The republican virtues are still pervasive enough in the country and the citizen led nature of the army is still firmly in place.  But what is very troublesome is that I see people repeatedly assert that the men and women serving in the military are the best of their respective generations.  This adulation seem to come from people who are from all walks of life and any political party.  Jon Stewart, Nancy Pelosi, Glenn Beck, and Mitt Romney all seem to agree on this point.  But that sort of praise really is terrible.  It simply implies that if you are not willing to kill another human being for your country, then you are automatically excluded from being one of the best people in your generation.  I don't think that the people who say it intend it this way, but it is a direct implication. [More below the fold.]

Unfortunately I believe it is the same attitude that allows us to insult those who have (or would) dodge the  draft and any other conscientious objectors.  These people have been hurt professionally and personally for what are objectively very good morals.  If you think the draft is not at issue anymore, I urge you to consider that every male in this country has to register for the draft under penalty of law.  Failure to do so can result in a fine of up to $250,000 and/or up to five years in federal prison.  And if you have not registered for "Selective Service" by your twenty-sixth birthday, you are automatically ineligible for: 
  1. Government Student Loans (of any type), 
  2. Citizenship (if you were not born in the U.S. and moved here before you were 26), 
  3. Federal Job Training Programs, and
  4. Federal Work
While none of these are really natural rights - and the feds probably shouldn't be doing 1) and 3) anyway - it is still very wrong if you look at it in the right light.  That is, if you agree that someone should be barred from citizenship as a punishment for not registering, then you think that one of the requirements for citizenship (for men) is to be willing to kill another human being.

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